Letters to Lilith

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Healing Crystals: Orange Calcite

Element: Fire | Planet: Sun | Chakra: Sacral, Solar plexus

Complimentary Essential Oils: Bergamot, Orange

Healing: Sexual Expression, Reproductive system, Self-esteem

Orange Calcite Description

Orange calcite is a shimmering stone with a rhombohedral crystal system and salt crystals’ abrasive qualities. It is known for its orange color, ranging from bright orange to pale peach or deep orange. From afar, this crystal can look like a hunk of citrusy fruits, such as orange or tangerine.

Calcite’s name comes from the Ancient Greek word Chalix and the Latin word Calx, translated as “lime.” This orange gemstone is widely known by different names, such as Clear calcite, Iceland spar, and Calspar. Sources of orange calcite are found in various locations worldwide, including Mexico, Namibia, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Romania, Iceland, and the United States.

Orange calcite is a variation of calcite, a mineral made up of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It is a common mineral found in sedimentary rocks, such as limestone and marble, and can also be found in metamorphic rocks like chalk, rock-forming minerals, and dolomite. Because it is easily precipitated and dissolved at the Earth’s surface temperatures and pressures, calcite is a common fracture-filling vein minerals found in other rocks.

Calcite is a major component of many seashells and coral reefs. All natural waters contain dissolved calcium and carbon dioxide, and their concentration is especially high in seawater. Many marine animals, including corals, snails, clams, algae, and microscopic plankton, use calcite to form their shells. Human society mimics marine organisms because we rely on calcite to construct many of the ‘hard’ parts of our society in the form of marble, plaster, mortar, and cement.

Orange Calcite Physical Properties

Chemical Composition: Calcium Carbonate: Ca(CO3), Mn, Fe, Mg, and Sr may partially replace Ca in some samples.

Color: Bright orange to pale peach or deep orange

Cleavage: Calcite has perfect cleavage in three directions to produce rhombohedra.

Hardness: 3 (down to 2.5 on some surfaces) – easily scratched by a metal nail but too hard to be scratched by a fingernail.

Specific Gravity: 2.7 (feels relatively light)

Luster: Crystals are vitreous (glass-like), massive form is dull.

Identification: At room temperature, this mineral will easily react with dilute acid, such as vinegar, to effervesce (bubble).

Orange Calcite Healing Properties

Orange Calcite Physical Benefits

On a physical level, orange calcite energizes the body and boosts sexual energy, thus increasing libido. It fuels stamina and improves endurance, making it the perfect stone for chronic fatigue syndrome. Orange calcite boosts fertility by healing the reproductive system and balancing hormones, making it ideal for those trying to get pregnant. It can also encourage small children’s growth.

Calcite also cleanses the elimination organs and the urinary tract. The orange variety is especially helpful for the gallbladder, bladder, kidneys, and intestines. This stone can improve intestinal issues such as IBS. Calcite can be applied to the skin, ulcers, warts, and suppurating wounds. Taken as an elixir, it boosts the immune system, strengthens bones and joints by encouraging calcium absorption, and supports healthy tissue growth.

Keywords: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Detoxification, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Energy, Fertility, Hormones, Metabolism, Respiratory System, Sex Drive, Skeletal System, Skin, Tissue, Urinary System

Orange Calcite Emotional and Mental Benefits

Calcite is a powerful amplifier and energy cleanser that speeds up development and growth while alleviating emotional stress and replacing it with a sense of peace. Orange calcite is especially energizing and cleansing for the lower chakras. It is used for diffusing anger, fear, depression, lethargy, lack of motivation, and negative mindsets. It is a vibrant and energizing crystal known for its properties related to creativity, confidence, and joy. Working with orange calcite boosts vitality and renews enthusiasm for life. It enhances self-esteem, boosts inspiration, heightens creativity, and empowers one to embrace one’s sexuality.

Psychologically, calcite creates emotional intelligence by linking emotions with intellect. It teaches discernment, boosts memory, stimulates insight, and calms the mind. By balancing emotions and removing fear, orange calcite increases motivation and inspires action. Its warm energy makes it a great stone for those struggling with depression or looking to increase their self-confidence. Combined with its sexual healing properties, this fear-fighting crystal is beneficial for PTSD or those who have experienced sexual trauma.

Keywords: Abuse, Acceptance, Addiction, Anxiety, Awareness, Balance, Creativity, Empowerment, Energy, Enthusiasm, Fear, Focus, Insight, Joy, Mental Clarity, Opportunities, Protection, PTSD, Self-confidence, Sex Drive, Stability, Wisdom

Orange Calcite Spiritual Benefits

Calcite is a spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher awareness and psychic abilities such as intuition, channeling, and out-of-body experiences. It accelerates spiritual development and allows the soul to remember experiences when it returns to the body. Orange calcite integrates spiritual expansion into the physical body.

Keywords: Channeling, Communication, Grounding, Intuition, Spiritual Protection, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Realms

Sources and Further Reading

A Little Bit of Crystals by Cassandra Eason





The Book of Crystal Healing by Emily Anderson

The Crystal Bible 1 & 2 by Judy Hall

The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids by Judy Hall

The Witch’s Complete Guide to Crystals by Sara Hadley