Letters to Lilith

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Grounding: Protection from Magickal Burnout

A strong grounding practice is part of every powerful witch’s toolkit and is one of the most powerful methods of protection when working with energy. Without a solid grounding practice, an individual may take on too much psychic energy and burnout.

Grounding is a valuable practice that enables individuals to anchor themselves in the present moment, fostering a deeper connection with their bodies and surroundings. It nurtures a sense of calm and clarity by honing in on physical sensations and redirecting focus from wandering thoughts or intense emotions.

The grounding technique gets its name from electrical grounding, where a neutral wire takes unused energy and directs it to the ground, ensuring the extra voltage doesn’t blow a fuse or cause harm. The concept is the same for grounding in magick, except we use visualization instead of the wire and intention to direct the flow.

The body has natural ways of grounding, such as digestion, but setting an intention to ground is necessary for bigger bursts of energy. Techniques for grounding are diverse, ranging from controlled breathing and mindfulness exercises to engaging in activities such as walking barefoot on the earth. One of the most popular methods is visualizing yourself as a tree with roots pushing deep into the Earth.

How to Ground

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or stand to ground yourself. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Feel the contact between your body and the surface below you. As you shut your eyes, engage in deep and intentional breathing, directing your attention to the flow of air in and out of your body. Take a moment to recognize the profound connection between your physical form and the supporting surface beneath you.

  2. Feel your natural energy running throughout your body, and notice how you feel before grounding. Start scanning your body downwards from the top of your head.

  3. When you reach your pelvis, imagine your energy running like roots through your legs. Picture that energy going past your toes and growing into the Earth. Focus on this connection and picture these roots anchoring you down, providing stability and support.

  4. With your will, visualize gently pushing your energy down into the extension of your energy body. The roots creep fiercely into the first layer of soil, past the worms and insects, piercing bedrock and uncovering a cave and underground river. The roots grow through the bottom of the river, past layers of crystals and organic matter, to the molten core of the Earth.

  5. As soon as the tip of the roots reaches the core, imagine serenity washing over you. The heart of the Earth is made out of the purest light, and its subtle song syncs you into calibrated frequency and embraces you in warmth, comfort, and peace. Heighten your awareness by tuning into your environment's ambient sounds, fragrances, and tactile experiences.

  6. Allow any passing thoughts or feelings to surface without evaluating them, allowing them to naturally dissipate. Send surplus energy and anything overwhelming your nervous system back into the ground to bless the Earth and her inhabitants.

  7. Remain fully present in the current moment until a sense of tranquility and equilibrium envelops you. Affirm I am now grounded.

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